
Today I woke up to a sound my ears have grown unaccustomed to; the sound of trees rustling in the wind. It is one of my favourite sounds in the world; infinitely better than the honking taxis, droning garbage trucks and thumping pneumatic drills that welcome each new day in the heart of New York City. I was staying with a friend in upstate New York this weekend, in the sleepy little hamlet of Croton-on-Hudson, and it was a blissful escape from the furore of the metropolis. I stumbled out of bed and made myself a steaming hot cup of fresh coffee. It was raining, but there was a cafe-style umbrella over the table and chairs in the back garden, so I sat outside under the umbrella, savouring the earthy coffee, listening to the pitter patter of the rain and breathing in the sweet scented air. As I sat there, I realised I was being watched.

today deer croton on hudson upstate new york

today deer croton on hudson upstate new york

I very slowly reached for my camera, and took just these two shots, before putting my camera away and slowly sipping my coffee in the most magnificent company I could ever ask for, watching and being watched.

About ailsapm

Hi there! I’m Ailsa Prideaux-Mooney. I’ve lived in many places, and travelled to many more. I had a lot of fun getting there and being there, wherever there happened to be at the time. I climbed a castle wall in Czesky Krumlov, abseiled down cliffs to go caving in the west of Ireland, slept on the beach in Paros, got chased by a swarm of bees in Vourvourou (ok that wasn’t fun, but it was exciting), learned flower arranging in Tokyo, found myself in the middle of a riot in Seoul, learned to snowboard in Salzburg, got lost in a labyrinth in Budapest and had my ice cream stolen by a gull in Cornwall. And I’m just getting started. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read so far, I’d love you to follow my travelogue - - and remember, anyone who tries to tell you it’s a small world hasn’t tried to see it all.
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46 Responses to Today

  1. Love this, Ailsa!! Communing with nature… 🙂

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Today | Wind Against Current

  3. That second shot is amazing. Beautifully done! Have fun away from the Apple!

  4. Really, truly beautiful, Ailsa!

    BTW, I love Croton being described as “upstate” (it’s within a day’s kayaking from NYC, for one thing 😉 )

    • ailsapm says:

      Ha ha, can you tell I’m not from around here, Vlad? 🙂 I always think of upstate in the same way I think of uptown, it’s north of where you are, it’s up-something 🙂 Yes, such a beautiful creature, I always feel terribly lucky when wild animals grace me with their presence, and even luckier when they feel comfortable enough to hang around.

  5. A brilliant way to start the day! And fabulous photos, besides!

  6. Madhu says:

    Magnificent indeed! Brilliant shots!

  7. What a blessing! Its those unexpected moements that suddenly bring us closer to nature and God. And you had the camera to hand!!!! I now keep a small digital one wth me all the time as I’ve missed so many good shots!

  8. Wow! That is one exciting day. It started with a relaxing coffee to a adventurous encounter with the deer. Great post!

    • ailsapm says:

      I couldn’t get over how big the deer was, I’ve seen much smaller deer before but this one was the size of a pony.

  9. bluebee says:

    How wonderful 🙂

  10. Lucky you to have the opportunity; and great shot as well!

    • ailsapm says:

      Thanks Martin, I felt very lucky to have had such a wonderful chance encounter. And to have had my camera with me at the time. 😉

  11. How beautiful. What a fabulous way to start the day. Coffee outdoors and Bambi. I would have been beside myself. Luck you 🙂

  12. Jeff Sinon says:

    How lucky are you!! I’m always on the lookout for deer while wandering the woods, and here you are having coffee with them. I’m hating you just a little bit right now 😀

    Yours truly,

    • ailsapm says:

      LOL, SJTR, I love that you’re hating me (just a little bit). Next time you’re wandering in the woods not seeing deer, think of me sipping coffee with my four-footed friend. 😉

  13. These are exquisite shots – what a lovely moment! We live in the woods, and I love my porch and deck for this reason – although our deer usually tear off at the slightest movement – great capture!

    • ailsapm says:

      Thanks, I was so happy my little four-footed friend decided to hang out with me for a bit. Such a beautiful animal, I could get lost in those eyes. 🙂

  14. Takes your breath away! 🙂

  15. ragtacker says:

    Great one ailsapm, you should be working with wildlife, they seem to trust you, or maybe you just happen to meet the showoffs!

  16. WOW —- that is awesome. I love these shots. The eyes and the eayes on these dear lil guys is precious. So lucky – so cool.

  17. that’s ears – I should go night -night … LOL

  18. Dauw says:

    We had a similar experience last summer 2011 in Zeeland (Netherlands).
    It’s great to realise we’re all part of this beautiful nature in a way like that isn’t it?
    Such an adorable two pictures you share here… I love the gaze in their eyes… It’s so desarming is it not?
    For now, I still didn’t found the translation of my poem as I got derived by this beauty, but I continue looking for it Ailsa =)

    • ailsapm says:

      I agree, Dauw, there is something quite magical about a shared moment with another animal, it fills me with awe and wonder. I see you found my translation of your poem and I’m very happy you published it on your blog. Really lovely poem.

  19. Amy says:

    Great post! What a thrill to capture the moment in a peaceful morning!

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